Every year, from July to November, Jamaica is hit by hurricanes, some stronger than others. Weak infrastructure, proximity to bodies of water and a lack of education about how to prepare means these weather events can have deadly and devastating effects. For example, last year’s Hurricane Sandy decimated the island’s banana crops and farmers are still trying to come back on-stream. Unfortunately, death is not uncommon, with one of the worst events happening in 1998, when Hurricane Gilbert killed hundreds of people.

The national government seems diligent in its attempts to educate people about disaster preparedness, but death and destruction are unavoidable, depending on the severity and location of the hurricane. Agencies such as the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica aim to fill the gap left by government, weak infrastructure and lack of education.

Youth Opportunities Unlimited has recently been awarded a grant from the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica. In this project, YOU will embark on a ‘YOUTH TAKING CHARGE’ Disaster Risk Reduction Programme in its continued thrust towards capacity building and community development in six districts in the Rockfort community.

Recognizing the vulnerability of this community to hurricanes and flooding based on its geographic location, lower socio-economic profile and aging housing and infrastructural stock, the project seeks to transfer disaster mitigation leadership skills to the youth, and prepare a second tier of response able citizens to minimize the impact of disasters resulting from climate change.

The objectives of this project include:

1) Increase awareness of
a. threats presented by climate change
b. lifestyle changes to mitigate losses (in particular flooding).
c. attitude of collective responsibility for mitigation and recovery
2) Collaborate with disaster resource agencies and develop action plans.
3) Increase disaster risk reduction practices and coping strategies, through Youth leadership.
4) Introduce the use of low income risk transfer insurance as a self-sustainable mechanism.

In this picture are YOU’s Executive Director Mrs. Georgia Scott and the EFJ’s Program Co-ordinator Mrs. Charmaine Webber.

The EFJ’s mission is as follows:

“The Environmental Foundation of Jamaica serves the public good by promoting and implementing activities designed to conserve and manage the natural resources and environment of Jamaica in the interest of sustainable development and to improve child survival and child development.”